HOUSE for Wheelchairs車いす住宅3題


This housing was designed for a couple who both live with wheelchair. Both of the couple are active people who work and are able to do almost everything in their lives by themselves, so the housing was designed to support them in their activities.
In case of the typical configuration plan which has corridor and each room based on the size of the wheelchair increases considerably compared to a normal house, so we decided to reduce the floor space and construction costs by using 1) an integrated LDK and 2) a closet that doubles as a corridor, while at the same time shortening the flow line. In particular, the flow line for housework was planned to be efficient through repeated discussions with the Client.
Based on the above assumptions, three plans were presented: (Plan-A) a plan for circulation on the first floor, (Plan-B) a plan for complete living on the second floor, and (Plan-C) a plan with an integrated garden.