08 室内空間が原因となる健康被害 -Health hazards caused by indoor spaces-
English is written after Japanese description.#Health-hazaeds
・NPO法人日本健康住宅教会編/発行(2022) 健やか住まい方のわかる本
・前真之著(2020) エコハウスのウソ2 日経BP社
・健康をつくる住環境編集委員会編(2002) 健康をつくる住環境 (株)井上書院
※2)小峯祐己(1996) 住宅における室内空気質に起因する健康影響 住宅総合研究財団 研究年報No.23
・前真之著(2020) エコハウスのウソ2 日経BP社
Health hazards caused by indoor spaces
One person’s honest opinion. ‘I don’t understand the significance of ‘healthifying’ the interior space in particular, as there is nothing too bad in the house as it is now. I don’t even want to make what is normal now special…’
Such voices are heard. In fact, health risks are greatly influenced by the immunity of individual people and the surrounding environment, and it is also possible that the damage to housing is actually progressing without being visible, and that it is only revealed when the damage has reached a certain level, therefore probably it is not visible currently.
This section will clarify the specific symptoms and causes of health damage that are invisible. It is also true that it is currently difficult to control all of them, but we believe that it is possible to reduce the health hazards by understanding their relevance and taking action.
First, a list of health hazards and their possible causes on the building side are listed below. (*1)
Although the table is a little difficult to follow, the diagram below shows the sources of indoor air pollution in a typical house and the pollution quality generated. (*2)
It is said that architecture (indoor environment) may be a contributing factor to these various conditions, and individual associations have been clarified. As it is difficult to address them individually post-construction, they need to be kept in mind during new construction and refurbishment. If there are health hazards of concern, it is advisable to consult the person designing the building.
However, it should be noted that the actual health hazards are often caused by factors other than construction or a combination of factors, so removing factors on the construction side will not solve all problems.
Another point to bear in mind in terms of how important the indoor environment is is that the largest substance weight that the human body takes in each day is not food or drink, but indoor air. Also, surprisingly, according to the figure below (percentage of substances ingested by the human body), the largest substance the human body takes in is ‘air’, which is said to weigh approximately 18 kg per day (total of the area enclosed by the bold line in the figure below). (*3) If the substances we take in the most are polluted, our bodies will be polluted as well. The importance of the indoor air environment can be clearly understood visibly.
Although invisible, it has been reported in other studies and case studies that, from a long-term perspective, the health time has been reduced and health care costs have increased when these things are not addressed. There are two main aspects to consider when thinking about making spaces healthier: one is to remove negative factors and the other is to add positive factors. The first point, negative factors (i.e. health hazards), has been organised here. The other aspect, positive comfort and positive factors in ‘healthy spaces’, will be organised in a separate section.
(*1) Edited by our office based on the following sources of information, etc.
The book is based on the following sources of information: – NPO Japan Healthy Housing Church, edited/published (2022) Book of Understanding Healthy Living.
(2020) Lies of Eco Houses 2, Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.
Edited by Editorial Committee for Health-creating Living Environment (2002) Health-creating Living Environment (Inoue Shoin Co., Ltd.)
(*2) Yumi Komine (1996) Health Effects Caused by Indoor Air Quality in Houses, Jutaku Sougou Kenkyu Foundation Research Annual Report No.23.
(*3) Edited by our office based on the following sources of information.
(1996) Health Effects Caused by Indoor Air Quality in Houses Research Report No. 23, Housing Research Foundation Research Report No. 23 *3) Edited by our office based on the following information sources.
(2020) Eco House Lies 2, Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.